EFM Global has been operating since 2000, focusing on the needs of the live music industry. Founder Mike Llewellyn’s extensive experience guides our commitment to prioritising customer satisfaction above all else.

Year one included managing global touring for renowned artists like Oasis, Travis, Coldplay and Radiohead. EFM’s dedication to 100% success on every project has grown to all verticals of the event industry and beyond.

Adapting to deliver projects wherever needed, whether it’s atop a mountain in the Alps, at a festival site in Australia, at a major film production in the Saudi Arabian Desert, or on a NASA launchpad in French Guiana, EFM ensures safe, secure, and timely shipping.

With a network of expertise in every corner of the world, EFM’s reputation has been built on meticulous planning for clients: modes of travel, time/cost efficiency, and sustainability; agreeing the best route and making it happen.

The EFM Way

The customer always comes first. We go to the ends of the earth for them. Fuelled by passion we climb all the mountains and deliver excellence every time. On time. We’ve carved a niche and made our own path. It’s The EFM Way. It’s in our DNA. It’s who we are and everything we do. Expertise and the right approach outshine the competition. Be dazzled. We do above and beyond brilliantly. Innovation helps us stay one step ahead. Marching on as a team. We have each other’s backs. Believe in yourself. Empowerment makes things happen. Be the best and celebrate success. Talk. Share. Be the cool-headed professional who asks the right question and never asks twice. Listen hard you’ll learn a lot. Understand. Set goals. Exceed expectations with honesty your policy. You can’t fail with a full set of facts. Plan B was never a bad idea so have ten of them at the ready. Respect. It only pays if you’re polite. Give good value and provide peace of mind. Do it now. Get up and go. We are the experts. No one else is like us. Be awesome.

Behind the brand

EFM’s efficiency and reputation, are a product of the company’s capacity, connectivity and team spirit. An international business with bases across the United States, the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Australia, EFM brings the best from its workforce through personal development and getting the work/life balance right.

At EFM, various skills are utilised across departments, including Warehouse, Finance, Sales, Project Management, and everything in between. However, what unites every role is a shared passion for live events, a strong sense of commitment, and a drive to succeed!

At EFM, internal and external training opportunities are not only available but also actively encouraged across all departments and locations. This commitment to ongoing learning means that every job at EFM has the potential for future growth. The company offers comprehensive development designed to support staff members at every stage of their career journey.

Working at EFM Global

With a continuous focus on diversity, inclusion, and equality, our infrastructure — encompassing offices and warehouses — spans the East and West coasts of the United States, as well as locations in London, Brussels, Dubai, Riyadh, and Sydney. Throughout each of these sites, the well-being of our staff remains paramount.

Across all offices, our benefits are designed to recognise and reward our employees for their dedication and effort. EFM is nothing without its people.